Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mu Online.. private servers and general MMOs

Prestory:(even if you don't read it you'll be fine with the other part :0)Well, my obsession with games started in the year 98 when I was still playing home consoles like NES(yeah in Bulgaria we started having consoles like from 95 onward). In 2000 I started going to one of the local cafes, yes we had a lot of pc cafes, and no they weren't for adults only. I was 7 when I started going to the pc cafe and we had like a console cafe of somekind, its purpose was to play games in it, and you had to pay by the hour. I was going to both, playing sp games on playstation and multiplayer games on pcs. Then started my addiction with Counter-Strike and Diablo 2. The whole summer I got up at 7 a.m. and stayed in the pc cafe until 5 p.m. then went to play games and stay outside and such. Enough with the whole shit. The purpose was to tell you my addiction to D2 type of games - the hack and slash games. To tell you the truth, to the present I've tried maybe every MMO that has come out, and most of them sucked. I want to point out something, I play ONLY games that I like. Additionaly I play games that are cycling, what I mean is I play games that repeat themselves. Like FPSes, Dota, D2, yayada.

Anyway, I don't fully remember, but was it like 2004 when I started playing MU, seriously, I don't remember. This WAS my game, we started first with servers close to the original, where you gain xp slow and shit. Those were not interesting, WE WANTED POWER(I mean the regulars at the pc cafe). I don't if you've played this game, but let me explain. Your agi increases attack speed(like in WC3). In most private servers you have max agi of 65k, which means that your hero becomes IMBALANCEDLY FAST. It feels like you're playing with Goku from DBZ. It's a simple game, with sets, you know when you want to have the perfect hero, like in D2 when you want the shako with max ed. Or max ed ethereal titans. It's the same, you always go for +13 items, the best options, luck and other options and stuff. You want the best weapon, the best wings and such. You want to be perfect. There are WINGS. Wings? You say they suck, well not if they are on your hero :) They make your hero look cooler, stronger. This cycling(yeah I call it cycling because you cycle through the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over again...) game is one of my favorite of all time. Though I many times quit and started playing again I still love it. Actually I play it now, on a private Bulgarian server - it's called AngelsMu, not that I want to popularize it or something(not that I can with my current followers XD), I just play there, yeah it's got bugs(though they are minimal), but it has new sets, armors and weapons, the new hero, it's not laggy, it's...good, I like it. Check it out if you're interested:

ps. A new hack and slash MMO is out - Mythos - tomorrow I'll review it, after a night of playing it.


  1. Cool figurines.. will be back :)

    Please follow my blog

  2. I've tried so hard to avoid MMOs, I started when I was 14, and played the same one for 3 years straight. The same company launched an online FPS that was decent, but it's not ground breaking or anything, Counter-Strike on the other hand, was.

  3. I avoid MMOs now. They're fun, but so addictive, and repetitive until it become like an alternate life.

  4. just another mmo. i wonder how so many of them manage to have so many players.
