Sunday, May 29, 2011

Cigarettes, do you smoke them?

Smoking, do you do it? I, myself am a smoker. I like how they taste, I like their feeling, their warmth. I don't smoke much, depending on how you see it though, seven or eight a day, sometimes more, sometimes less. Cigarettes make me feel relaxed and they are part of my life.
Maybe, I'm putting too much thought on it, but it's become a serious problem for non-smokers. My opinion is that "YOU HAVE TO SMOKE, BUT DO NOT DUMP THE SMOKE ON OTHER PEOPLE".
Even as a smoker I hate second-hand smoke. I can barely imagine how much non-smokers are disgusted of it. You may say that I'm addicted, but I'll say: "No, I ain't.", and I'll tell you why that is.
For me, smoking is one of those life pleasures, that you shouldn't quit, just because they are bad for your health, you should enjoy them, because life without pleasures just isn't a life. If you can't enjoy a nice cigarette, what are you living for?
I sincerely don't believe those "smoking kills" campaigns, if it really kills me, I'd rather die from that, than from a car accident, or a serial killer, or from guy who just wants to take my money.
I am not saying you should smoke like a chimney, or that if you don't smoke you aren't cool, if you want to smoke, do it, and if you want to stop, they are far better reasons than "smoking kills", like family, friends, or money, trust me, those ARE better!
So, fellow followers, random people that found my blog, or other souls, DO YOU SMOKE? 

(please share your opinion on smoking in the comments, thanks)

And thanks for viewing my blog!


  1. i do not smoke, but i can see how people like it.
    i hate when people blow the smoke into my face, or smoke in a public place

  2. i started smoking while drinking...stopped smoking a month ago cause my health went downhill

  3. Everyone in my family smokes bar me, my reason for it was being poor... hahaha.

  4. Yeah im a smoker aswell, its a stress relief thing, bad habbit! ;D

  5. "For me, smoking is one of those life pleasures, that you shouldn't quit"
    I thought the same when I was smoking. Then I realized that its fuckin expencive, that I suck at sport, that I fuck my body up so I quit.
    During I quit I realized that my body wanted that. So bad news: you are addicted. Even though you say its a nice thing to do. I said the same.

  6. Nope, it's not worth it from any viewpoint.

  7. I don't and I think it's an awful habit... but when I've been drinking, if somebody offers me a cigarette I take it :)

  8. I stopped after I started getting back into shape. Also its ungodly expensive

  9. i am one myself. just don't be chain smoking a pack a day

  10. I smoke... sometimes... and hate second-hand smoke too...

  11. I'm a social smoker; I've been doing it too much lately though if I think about it.

  12. I smoked when I was a kid, but stopped. I realized that I was jeopardizing my health to fatten the pockets of some rich assholes.

    Somewhere there is a big fat asshole in a suit, laughing his ass off while you smoke his cancer stick.

    This shit should be fucking outlawed. Instead it stands as an example of greed and the evil of money. Please quit smoking cigarettes. You're selling yourself out to billionaire grim reapers.

  13. I realy enjoy smoking , that is probably the first thing i do when i wake up :P with a hot cup of coffee mmmm AWESOME ! :D

  14. a cigarette or two are good every now and then

  15. Nope. Costs money, gives cancer. Makes me cough.

  16. Apart from being to poor to smoke, I believe that smoking doesn't make you any more relaxed than coffee makes you feel awake.

    I'm sure this sounds like I'm saying ciggys make you feel relaxed, and they do. But the truth is on average the non smoker is just as relaxed, only he doesn't need a cigarette to feel relaxed.

  17. I was a little worried after seeing you comment on my post. That said, I'm glad that we pretty much have the same views on smoking :)

  18. I don't smoke, waste of a life really. Weed is a different matter though, haha.

  19. I smoke. Boy do I smoke...
    Honestly second hand smoke does suck in certain situations. I CAN'T STAND SOMEONE SMOKING NEAR ME WHEN I AM EATING.

    But relaxing via smoking is really all about your timing... Smoking while taking a #2, heavenly... A cigarette after a nice meal, wonderful... A few puffs after sex, GODLY...

    Bungee jumping is hazardous to your health & annoying to other to see some dumb goof expanding & collapsing their spine for a thrill... it's really quite gruesome, but we don't pass laws against it...

  20. I've never smoked a single cigarette. Nothing to boast about. I just don't want to have any health issues after some time. Another thing: it's getting constantly more and more expensive!
