Friday, May 27, 2011

I have a turtle.

Sorry for not posting yesterday guys, but we had problems with electricity(stupid bulgarian electricity providers), well what can you do *sigh*.
I just wanted to share with you that I have a turtle. Yeah, for two months now I've been having a turtle as a pet. His name is Oxy and he is a Red-Eared Slider. I've always liked reptiles, but cool geckos seemed too priced for me. So I got a turtle. It's not such an easy task caring for him, but it's rewarding when seeing him do funny stuff. Usually I feed him with raw fish and sometimes with some bugs I catch on our balcony. You know what? I decided fridays to be turtle picture days, so every friday from now on I'll be posting a picture of my turtle in a funny or an elegant pose, sleeping or doing other funny things. So, here he is:

on the rocks...
It's bad quality, but it's mine Samsung L210, not very good for micro.


  1. turtles are cool. i like turtles. they are soo cute and meek

  2. Haha, that guy is awesome! I'd love a turtle. I heard they can smell a bit funny though... I guess if you keep it clean then there's nothing to wory about.

  3. Nice turtle I use to have one forever ago. They are pretty fun pets. Looking forward to more pictures of him.

  4. I found a turtle in my backyard once. Poor thing.

  5. Turtles are cool. I wonder if they know they move so slow?

  6. Damn that turtle is sooo cute ;D

  7. No posts for the last two days!
    I am disappoint.

  8. have you been feeding that guy win? because he appears to be full of it.

  9. Turtles are awesome. I want one... but they are so hard to buy in the UK
